Innovation under austerity: A call to arms

I’ve cherry-picked the following quote to give you a taste of what awaits you, should you be willing to give Eben a generous chunk of your time.

“So here we are, asking ourselves what the educational systems of the 21st century will be like, and how they will socially distribute knowledge across the human race. I have a question for you. How many of the Einsteins who ever lived were allowed to learn physics? A couple. How many of the Shakespeares who ever lived, lived and died without learning to read and write? Almost all of them. With 7 billion people in the world right now, 3 billion of them are children; how many Einsteins do you want to throw away today?

The universalization of access to education, to knowledge, is the single-most important force available for increasing innovation and human welfare on the planet. Nobody should be afraid to advocate for it because somebody might shout ‘copyright’.”

If you aren’t moved by this talk, your frog is boiled.