Online classes cut costs, but do they dilute brands?
Schools who go online also put their names on the line. Do they run the risk of potentially diluting their brands? A recent story on Boston’s NPR news station considers this question.
I leave you with some select snippets from the transcript, though I can greatly recommend listening to the whole thing. (Stanford Professor) Terry Moe: What you have is mad scramble, it’s a certain kind of chaos but this is a revolution. There’s no way this isn’t going to transform the way schools are organized. (NPR Reporter) Tovia Smith: Many innovations will turn out to be spectacular successes and others spectacular stumbles. But Agarwal, from edX, says that shouldn’t deter anyone. (edX President) Anant Agarwal: You know, fumbling and groping in the dark here, and trying to figure out is a good thing. And if you’re not stumbling, you should be. Smith: Agarwal says, the worst mistake a school could make is sitting still. |